[:ro]O noua scena prinde viata la
Blaj aLive in weekendul 7-8 iunie cu invitati de seama din industria muzicii contemporane electronice internationale, intr-un context foarte special: Matias Aguayo, Tobias Thomas, Coma Live, Matthias Meyer si Barnt sunt primele confirmari pentru Electronica Blaj aLive 2014.
Nascut in anul 1973 in Santiago de Chile, Matias Aguayo a petrecut anii ‘90 in Koln (Germania), contribuind la scena muzicii electronice a orasului ca DJ in diverse cluburi, printre care legendarul Liquid Sky. Aguayo si-a organizat si propriile petreceri si s-a asociat cu actori locali precum Michael Mayer si Dirk Leyers. Ceea ce il diferentiaza cu adevarat de alti DJ (in afara de simtul exceptional pentru muzica percusiva de tip upbeat) este BumBumBox-ul: o serie de petreceri gratuite, intime, in aer liber, pe care le organizeaza pe strazile din Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Asuncion, Sao Paulo, Medellin, Santiago de Chile si alte metropole din America de Sud. Afinitatea sa pentru piese cu un final efervescent pe ringul de dans se regaseste si pe ultimul album, ”The Visitor”.
Tobias Thomas, nascut in 1970, a fost membru al familiei Kompakt inca de la inceput. Lucreaza ca DJ din 1990 si a fost implicat in numeroase proiecte si colaborari, printre care Forever Sweet si Thomas Mayer. A remixat alaturi de Dettinger, Superpitcher, Jorg Burger, Geiger, M. Mayer si Reinhard Voigt. Fost editor al revistei muzicale nemtesti SPEX, a realizat interviuri cu Sven Väth, The Pet Shop Boys, Westbam, Depeche Mode, Wolfgang Tillmans, Erlend Øye, Justin Timberlake si multi altii.
Furnizori ai stomp-ului din Koln inca din 2007, grupul Coma stie cum sa incite multimea. Marius Bubat si Georg Conrad au gasit propria cale de a darma barierele dintre cultura cluburilor si cea a concertelor live. Au reusit sa câstige publicul aproape instant prin muzica electro infuzata cu pop, lucrând cu laptop-uri, chitare, sintetizatoare si microfoane.
DJ, producator si artist cheie al Liebe*Detail, Matthias Meyer provine din linistitul orasel Lueneburg de lânga Hamburg, Germania. Matthias a iesit in lumina reflectoarelor cu abordarea pasionala a stilurilor tehno si house. Dragostea sa pentru muzica plina de substanta destinata cluburilor, pentru viata si sentimente l-a motivat sa lucreze din ce in ce mai mult in aceasta arie.
Artist german si DJ, Barnt a fondat casa de discuri Magazine cu Crato si Jens-Uwe Beyer in 2010, fiind, de asemenea, si un membru de baza Cologne Tape, Magazine si Zeit 2. EP-ul de debut „What Is A Number, That A Man May Know It?” a devenit imediat un clasic Modern Kosmische in 2010, fiind sustinut de Daphni, Four Tet, Dixon, Optimo si Tale Of Us. Cariera solo exploziva a lui Barnt l-a condus catre lansarea „Geffen” pe EP-ul legendar al lui Cómeme, „The Power of Now”. Aflata in fruntea clasamentelor, piesa a ajuns pe locul 14 in topul 50 Resident Advisor in 2012.
Ne vedem pe Câmpia Libertatii, intre 7-8 iunie 2014, pentru o experienta totala de festival. Blaj aLive este un proiect initiat de catre Bosch-Rexroth, organizat in parteneriat cu Primaria Municipiului Blaj si Consiliul Judetean Alba, prin Centrul de Cultura „Augustin Bena” Alba, proiect dezvoltat de ARTmania Events.[:en]Electronic music comes to life at Blaj aLive, bringing into the spotlight a series of international artists. First confirmations include: Matias Aguayo, Tobias Thomas, Coma Live, Matthias Meyer and Barnt.
Born 1973 in Santiago de Chile, Matias Aguayo spent the whole 90s in Cologne (Germany), contributing to the city’s electronic music scene as a club kid and a DJ at various clubs, the legendary Liquid Sky included. Aguayo also organized his own nights and hooked up with local key players Michael Mayer and Dirk Leyers. What really sets him apart from his peers (besides his exceptional feel for percussive, raw yet upbeat body music, that is), is BumBumBox: a series of free, intimate, open air raves that he sets up on the streets of Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Asuncion, Sao Paulo, Medellin, Santiago de Chile and many other South American metropolises. His affinity for an effervescent finale of his songs on the dance floor is also found on his latest album, “The Visitor”. The BumBumBox spirit leaks through the album sounds via a contorted bass line, seasoned with the spark of a carnival.
Tobias Thomas, born 1970, has been a member of the Kompakt family since the beginning. He has been working as a DJ since 1990 and has been involved in many collaborations and projects, including Forever Sweet and Thomas Mayer. He sat at the mixing desk alongside Dettinger, Superpitcher, Jörg Burger, Geiger, M. Mayer and Reinhard Voigt. As a former editor for the German music magazine SPEX, he’s done interviews with Sven Väth, the Pet Shop Boys, Westbam, Depeche Mode, Wolfgang Tillmans, Erlend Øye, Justin Timberlake and many more.
Purveyors of fine Cologne stomp since 2007, Coma know how to incite a crowd. Marius Bubat and Georg Conrad found their own way in breaking down barriers between club culture and live concerts. They famously hit the ground running, winning over the audience almost immediately with pop-infused electronics which include laptops, guitars, synthesizers and microphones.
DJ, Producer and Liebe*Detail key artist, Matthias Meyer comes from the quiet town of Lueneburg, near Hamburg, Germany. Matthias has broken into the spotlight thanks to his unique and passionate take on the house and techno genres. His love of rich, energetic club music, full of texture, life and heart propels him to work more and more. His work as a DJ allows him to bring this very human, endearing quality to an increasingly large audience.
German artist and DJ, Barnt founded the label Magazine with Crato and Jens-Uwe Beyer in 2010. He is also a core member of the collectives Cologne Tape, Magazine and Zeit 2. His debut EP, „What Is A Number, That A Man May Know It?”, on Magazine became an instant Modern Kosmische classic in 2010, supported by Daphni, Four Tet, Dixon, Optimo and Tale Of Us. Barnt’s increasingly explosive solo output led him to release „Geffen” on Cómeme’s now legendary „The Power Of Now” EP. Topping many end of year polls, the track also reached number 14 in Resident Advisor’s top 50 tracks of 2012.
For more information, please visit www.blajalive.ro or connect with us at facebook.com/blajalive. See you on the epic Liberty Field in wonderful Blaj, Transylvania, June 7-8! Blaj aLive is a project initiated by Bosch Rexroth, organized in partnership with the Blaj Municipality and Alba County Council through The “Augustin Bena” Alba Cultural Center, developed by ARTmania Events.[:]