[:ro]Activitati Alternative la Blaj aLive 2013[:en]Alternative Activities at Blaj aLive 2013[:]

[:ro]Blaj aLive lanseaza o provocare indrazneata amatorilor de adrenalina, dar si celor mai energici copii.

Elementul surpriza al evenimentului este amenajarea unei zone de agrement, care ofera publicului de toate varstele sansa de a-si petreace ziua intr-un mod foarte activ. Energia concertelor live si buna dispozitie vor fi completate de bucuria celor mai mici dintre participantii la Blaj aLive, care vor gasi pe Campia Libertatii din Blaj un carusel, un trenulet electric, un tobogan gonflabil si doi animatori care le vor capta atentia cu sesiuni de ”face painting” si modelaj de baloane.

Pentru cei pasionati de aventura si sporturi extreme sau pentru cei mai curiosi, Blaj aLive a pregatit 2 trambuline si o serie de masinarii care iti pun curajul la incercare: Twister, Orbiter si un Sky Lift Twister urias cu o capacitate de 40-60 de persoane.

Pe 8 iunie, Blajul devine un pol atractiv si dinamic al Transilvaniei si inscrie orasul pe harta marilor evenimente nationale.[:en]Blaj aLive launches a bold challenge to all adrenalin lovers, but also to the most active kids.

The surprise element of the event is setting up a fun zone which gives the public of all ages the chance of spending the day in a very active way. The energy from the live shows and good mood will be completed by the joy of the youngest of the Blaj aLive participants, which will find on the Field of Liberty from Blaj a carrousel, an electrical train, an inflatable slide and two animators which will catch their eye with face painting sessions and balloon modelling.

For the ones who share the passion for adventure and extreme sports or even for the curious, Blaj aLive has prepared 2 trampolines and a series of machines that will test your courage: Twister, Orbiter and a huge Sky Lift Twister with a capacity of 40 to 60 people.

On June 8th, Blaj becomes an attractive and dynamic pole of Transylvania and sets the city on the map of the big national events.


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