Red Bull Art of Camping @ Blaj aLive

[:ro]Cautam cele mai creative 20 de corturi, sa le campam cu stil la Blaj aLive.

1. Inscrie-te pe pana pe 24 mai.

2. Deseneaza si posteaza schita designului tau de cort pe pagina de Facebook a concursului, tot pana pe 24 mai. Schita trebuie sa fie denumita cu numele cortului.

20 cele mai creative inscrieri vor fi selectate – pe baza numarului de ”likes” (50%) si votului unui juriu de specialitate (50%) – pentru a face parte din zona Red Bull Art of Camping, iar locuitorii acestora vor beneficia de tratament special: piscina, masaj, party pack-uri free, toalete si desigur Red Bull.

In plus, va oferim si un mic ajutor in implementarea proiectului (in limita a 200 de lei), iar doua persoane primesc acces gratuit la festival.

Creatorii celor mai inedite corturi vor fi si ei rasplatiti! Cu Red Bull si:

LOCUL 1: un cort dintr-ala jmecher
LOCUL 2: doua rucsacuri
LOCUL 3: doi saci de dormit

Poti folosi orice material pentru a transforma cortul tau intr-o adevarata opera de arta – vopsea, graffiti, materiale textile, accesorii de orice fel! Ne dorim corturi cu personalitate! Inscrie-te acum:[:en]We are looking for 20 of the most creative tents to camp at Blaj aLive.

1. Join us at until May 24.

2. Draw and post your tent design project on the contest Facebook page until May 24. The project should be titled using the tent’s name.

20 of the most creative design will be chosen based on their „like” numbers (50%) and a a vote from a specialized jury (50%) and will be part oft the Red Bull Art of Camping area, and their campers will benefit from a series of special treatments: pool, massage, free party-packs and facilities, and, of course, Red Bull.

Also, those selected will receive a little help to implement their project (maximum of 200 lei), and two people will receive free access at the festival.

Creators of the most imaginative tents will also receive prizes! With Red Bull and:

1st PLACE: a really cool tent

2nd PLACE: two backpacks

3rd PLACE: two sleeping bags.

You can use any material to turn your tent in a real work of art – paint, graffiti, fabrics and any kind of accessories. We want tents with personality! Join now at


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