
Valea Norilor este mai mult decat muzica, este o stare de spirit, o calatorie, emotie.

Trupa din Chisinau, desi formata relativ recent, a reusit sa urce rapid in topul trupelor din Moldova, cresterea cotei trupei datorandu-se pasiunii si ambitiei celor patru membrii.

Dupa un numar rezonabil de concerte si invitatii la emisiuni TV si Radio, Valea Norilor a mobilizat un numar serios de fani in Romania, fiind invitati de onoare la evenimentul aniversar al revistei Sunete – Chisinau/Sunete/Bucuresti, eveniment la care Valea Norilor a cucerit inima bucuresteniilor.

Cu un sound original, deloc manierist, o combinatie proaspata de funk-rock, alternative/grunge, cei patru dau dovada de inventivitate si maleabilitate.

Un joc de scena exploziv, antrenant, care implica imediat si publicul. E o trupa pentru care empatia e un cuvant caracteristic.

Trupa se pregateste pentru primul album, dar in perioada lunii februarie 2015 va sustine un amplu turneu in Romania, alaturi de cei de la Space Needles, una din cele mai apreciate trupe de alternativ din Romania

[:en]Valea Norilor is more than music, it is a state of spirit, emotion. The band from Chisinau, though recently formed, managed to rapidly move their way in the top bands from Moldova, the rise of the band s quota  is due to the passion and ambition of the four members. After a reasonable numbers of concerts and TV and Radio invitations, Valea Norilor has mobilized a serious number of fans in Romania, by being honored guests to the anniversary event of Sunete Magazine - Chisinau/Sunete/Bucuresti, event in which Valea Norilor won the hearts of the Bucharest people. With an original sound, non-manneristic, a fresh combination of funk-rock, alternative/grunge, the four show inventiveness and malleability. An explosive and entertaining scene play, the audience immediately being involved. It is a band for which empathy is a characteristic word. The band is preparing for their first album, but in February 2015 they will have a grand tour in Romania, with the Space Needles, one of the most appreciated band of alternative in Romania.[:]