[:ro]Trupa Subcarpati s-a format in 2010, odata cu lansarea primului album, ce poarta acelasi nume: SUBCARPATI, proiect muzical la care au participat Bean (Suie Paparude), Omu Gnom (Raparta), Mara Panaitescu si DJ Limun. In iunie 2011, Subcarpati lanseaza prima compilatie "CULESE DIN CARTIER". Nume de marca din muzica romaneasca se regasesc pe acest album, precum Matze, Silent Strike, Gojira, Undoo, Liviu Vasilica, etc. Albumul numarul 2, marca Subcarpati - UNDERGROUND FOLCLOR. A fost lansat in iunie 2012, la Street Delivery.  Al treilea album, Piele de gaina a fost lansat tot la Street Deliverys, in iunie 2014 . Subcarpati inseamna: Bean MC, Vali Umbra, VJ Andri si DJ Power pe vinil, iar atunci cand vorbesc despre folclor, il vad mereu ca pe o sursa de energie. "Am fost genul de roman care a renegat folclorul, care avea o impresie foarte proasta despre Romania. Pana cand am reinceput sa ascult din nou muzica folclorica si initial am zis ca are legatura cu copilaria, dar incepea sa imi placa din nou. Folclorul emitea catre mine si asa a inceput sa se formeze un soi de constiinta in capul meu, pentru ca au fost oameni care au luptat pentru tara asta si care ne-au schimbat viata si, pentru ei, dar si pentru noi, trebuie sa invatam pastram valorile traditionale, a declarat Bean.[:en]Subcarpati was formed in 2010, the same year its debut homonym album was released, a project released by Bean (Suie Paparude), Omu Gnom (Raparta), Mara Panaitescu and DJ Limun. In June 2011 the band releases its first compilation, Culese din cartier, which featured important names from the Romanian music industry: Matze, Silent Strike, Gojira, Undoo, Liviu Vasilica. The second album, Underground Folclor was launched in June 2012 during Streeet Delivery and their third record was released the same way, in June 2014. Subcarpati means: Bean MC, Vali Umbra, VJ Andri and DJ Power on the vinyls, and whenever they speak of folklore they see it as a source of energy. "I was the type of Romanian that renegades folklore, who had a very bad impression about Romania. It all changed when I began listening to country music again and at first I thought it was related to my childhood, but soon enough I started liking it again. The music started speaking to me and formed some sort of conscience in my mind, because these were people that fought for this country and that have changed our lives and, for them, but also for us, we must learn to keep our national values", said Bean.[:]