[:ro]Formatia IMPEX, dupa cum ii spune numele, are ca obiect de activitate importul si exportul de ritmuri si sunete muzicale din univers pe pamant si viceversa! Din punct de vedere stilistic formația abordeaza muzica house, rock, manele, jazz, emo romanesc, IDM, electro,trance si muzica populara pana la muzica clasica-contemporana! Organigrama trupei IMPEX este compusa din 3 membri ctitori (Horatiu Serbanescu, Andrei Dinescu, Eugen Imecs) + maestrul in frecvențe si chitarist - Janin Pasniciuc! Ei au mai creat in trecut formatii ca Steaua de Mare, Zebre, Aneb/Plevna sau Shamanelism, fapt care se reflecta in repertoriul MIXT (Purpuriu !) al formatiei IMPEX! Live pot aparea invitați surpriza, muzicieni cu varste cuprinse între 15 si 70 de ani![:en]IMPEX band hints from the beginning their occupation - importing and exporting rhythms and sounds from the universe to the world and vice versa. Sound wise, the band goes through a large array of styles, from house, rock, manele, jazz, Romanian emo, IDM, electro and folk music to contemporary classical music. The band is composed by the three founding member (Horatiu Serbanescu, Andrei Dinescu, Eugen Imecs) plus frequencies maestro and guitarist Janin Pasniciuc. They are the creators of Steaua de Mare, Zebre, Aneb/Plevna or Shamaneslim projects, sharing their tunes into the diverse mix of IMEX! During a live show, many surprise guests take the spotlight, their ages varying from 15 to 70 years old.[:]
  • Genre : house, rock, manele, jazz, emo romanesc, IDM, electro, trance si muzica populara
  • Show date : 8 Iunie 2014
  • Stage : Campia Libertatii