[:ro]Furnizori ai stomp-ului de calitate in Koln inca din 2007, Coma stiu cum sa incite o multime. E genul de cunoastere pe care nu o deprinzi cu timpul, ci mai degraba te prezinti direct cu ea, iar in cazul Coma prima lor prezenta a fost la festivalul c-o pop. Au luat startul in fata unei multimi, iar Marius Bubat si Georg Conrad au sarit in necunoscut, gasind propria lor modalitate de sparge barierele existente intre cultura de club si concertele live. Au avut un inceput plin de energie si au cucerit publicul aproape instant, cu un electro infuzat cu pop si elemente noi ca laptop-urile, chitarele, sintetizatoarele si microfoanele.   Au fost considerati inca de la inceput drept urmatorul mare grup din Koln si au crescut constant, dar calatoria celor de la Coma nu este neaparat usoara, caci ambii producatori sunt perfectionisti pana in panzele albe. Asa ca primul lor release oficial a aparut abia dupa un an, fiind prezentat publicului in 2008.  La acel moment show-urile lor erau organizate in strainatate, in incercarea de ale oferi celor doi aprecierea internationala. In acelasi an Coma si-au facut propriul lor studio in Koln, colaborand cu Roosevelt, Vimes, MIT sau Ada. Fie ca se aflau in pauza acasa, fie ca doar faceau o oprire din turneu, asa au aparut colaborarile de pe albumul de debut Coma, ce a inclus aparatii extraordinare ale celor mentionati.   Dupa o serie de EP-uri foarte bine cizelate lansate de  label-ul Kompakt si dupa trei ani de pregatiri minutioase, In Technicolor a fost lansat in final in aprilie 2013. Numele indica deja un stil jucaus sau dupa cum o spune chiar Coma: "Daca lansarile noastre anterioare reflectau cumva filmele alb- negru, acesta e cu siguranta o pelicula color...incercarea noastra de a fuziona diferite sunete intr-o maniera vie, fara a cadea in conventiile plictisitoare ale zonei de club si fara a restrictiona expresivitatea muzicii.[:en]Purveyors of fine Cologne stomp since 2007, Coma knows how to incite a crowd. It's the sort of knowledge that you don't learn simply as you go along, it's something you already bring to the table, and in Coma's case, that first table was Cologne's c-o pop festival. Starting out in front of a capacity crowd, Marius Bubat and Georg Conrad jumped into the deep end, finding their own way to break down the barriers between club culture and live concerts. They famously hit the ground running, winning over the audience almost immediately with pop-infused electronics including laptops, guitars, synthesizers and microphones. Hailed as Cologne's next big thing from the get-go, and still steadily gaining momentum, Coma's journey isn't necessarily easy, - as both producers are more ardent perfectionists than hyped-up egomaniacs. Thus, their first official release took another year before it was finally revealed to a wound-up public in 2008. Back then, their first shows were organized abroad, gently pushing the pair on a trajectory bound for international acclaim, and it's also since 2008 that Coma maintained their own studio in Cologne, regularly collaborating with fellow musicians like Roosevelt, Vimes, MIT, or Ada. Whether Coma is on hiatus in their hometown or making a quick stopover while on tour, that's also how the cameos on Coma's impending debut album came about, including brilliant guest performances from all of the above. After a handful of expertly crafted EP's at Coma's homebase label Kompakt, and three years of meticulous preparation, "In Technicolor" will finally see the light of day in April 2013. The name already hints at the newly found playfulness on display, or as Coma put it themselves: "Where our previous releases were kinda mirroring a foggy black and white movie, this is definitely a color film... our attempt at fusing diverse sounds in a more vivid manner, without falling prey to boring club conventions restricting the expressiveness of the music."[:]
  • Genre : Cosmic Techno Pop
  • Show date : 8 Iunie 2014
  • Stage : Campia Libertatii
  • Project's Link : http://coma-music.de