[:ro]Tobias Thomas, nascut in aprilie 1970 in sudul Germaniei, este un membru al label-ului electronic Kompakt din Koln inca de la inceputul anilor ;90. Lucreaza ca DJ profesionist inca din 1990 si a fost implicat in numeroase colaborari si proiecte ca Forever Sweet, Thomas/Mayer si a realizat o multime de remixuri alaturi de Dettinger, Superpitcher, Jörg Burger, Geiger, Michael Mayer, Ada si Reinhard Voigt.
Ca fost editor pentru publicatia germana de muzica SPEX, a realizat interviuri cu Sven Väth, the Pet Shop Boys, Westbam, Depeche Mode, Wolfgang Tillmans, Erlend Øye, Justin Timberlake si multi altii. A parasit definitiv SPEX la finalul lui 2006, cand publicatia si-a mutat sediul la Berlin. Dupa ce a incetat sa lucreze ca jurnalist muzical, Tobias s-a alaturat festivalului muzical c/p pop www.c-o-pop.de) din Koln, unde lucreaza ca director muzical.
Din 1998 gazduieste petrecerile »Total Confusion« din Koln, alaturi de prietenul sau cel mai bun Michael Mayer si Superpitcher. Pana in 2006, »Total Confusion« au avut loc in fiecare vineri in cunoscutul club 672, iar din 2007 si-au gasit o noua locatie si au avut loc luna in Bogen 2, parte a unui pod care traverseaza Rinul. Din martie 2011 petrecerile TC au luat o pauza si cauta o noua locatie.
In ultimii 20 de ani, Tobias a mixat in peste 30 de tari si pe 5 continente. A facut show in cele mai cunoscute cluburi: Ostgut, Berghain/Panorambar, Tresor, Watergate & Bar 25 in Berlin, Robert Johnson in Offenbach, Omen in Frankfurt, Ultraschall in Munchen, Tanzhalle St. Pauli, Golden Pudel si Click in Hamburg, Goa in Madrid, Nitsa in Barcelona, D-Edge in Sao Paolo, Space in Ibiza, Flex in Vienna, Fabric in Londra si multe altele.
A lansat trei mix-CD-uri: Fur Dich (1999), Smallville (2003) si Please Please Please la Kompakt, iar cu Forever Sweet albumul Geben & Nehmen la Ladomat in 1998.[:en]Tobias Thomas, born April 1970 in the south of Germany, is a member of the inner circle of the Cologne based electronic label Kompakt since the early nineties. He has been working as a professional DJ since 1990, was involved in many cooperations & projects like Forever Sweet, Thomas/Mayer and did a number of remixes alongside Dettinger, Superpitcher, Jörg Burger, Geiger, Michael Mayer, Ada and Reinhard Voigt.
As a former editor for the German music magazine SPEX he`s done interviews with Sven Väth, the Pet Shop Boys, Westbam, Depeche Mode, Wolfgang Tillmans, Erlend Øye, Justin Timberlake and many others. He left SPEX for good at the end of 2006 when the magazine moved to Berlin.
After he stopped working as a music journalist, Tobias became part of the Cologne music festival c/o pop (www.c-o-pop.de), where he works as the program director.
Since 1998 he´s been hosting the »Total Confusion«-Clubnight in Cologne together with his best friends Michael Mayer and Superpitcher. Until 2006 »Total Confusion« took place every Friday in the famous Studio 672 club, and since the beginning of 2007 it found a new – then monthly - home in a place called »Bogen 2«, a venue which is part of an old bridge spanning the river Rhine. Since March 2011 TC is having a break and is looking for a new venue ...
In the past 20 years Tobias has played in more than 30 countries and on 5 continents. He has performed at world famous clubs as Ostgut, Berghain/Panorambar, Tresor, Watergate & Bar 25 in Berlin, the Robert Johnson in Offenbach, Omen in Frankfurt, Ultraschall in Munich, Tanzhalle St. Pauli, Golden Pudel and Click in Hamburg, Goa in Madrid, Nitsa in Barcelona, D-Edge in Sao Paolo, Space in Ibiza, Flex in Vienna, Fabric in London and many more.
He released three Mix-CDs, »Für Dich« (1999), »Smallville« (2003) and »Please Please Please« on Kompakt and – with Forever Sweet – the album »Geben & Nehmen« on Ladomat (1998).[:]