[:ro]DJ, producator si artist important al Liebe*Detail, Matthias Meyer se trage din linistitul oras Lueneberg, de langa Hamburg, Germania. Tanar si entuziast muzician, Matthias a fost imediat atras de  sound-ul hi-tech din Detroit si Chicago si asta l-a incurajat sa isi urmeze interesul si pasiunea in scena de club diversa de langa Hamburg. De aici inainte, a lasat muzica sa preia controlul, promoveaza activ nou-gasita scena alaturi de colectivul Sfunkt DJ si organizeaza petreceri care vor duce mesajul muzicii electro catre un public mai degraba nefamiliarizat cu fenomenul.   Alaturi de crew-ul Sfunkt si impreuna cu prietenul sau apropiat, cel care ii va fi mai tarziu partener de productie, Patlac, Matthias incepe sa mizexe in locatii din ce in ce mai mari, iar popularitatea sa creste. Orizonturile sale se largesc si  skill-urile pe partea de productie se cizeleaza, odata cu aparitia piesei sale de debut,Reichenbach, lansata de label-ul  iubit din Hamburg, Liebe*Detail, in 2006. Reichenbach  e explozie puternica si dura, o suma a tuturor influentelor lui Meyer, de la magia tehnica a orasului Detroit la muzicalitatea si experimentalul noii fete a miscarii electronice germane.   Voltage, cea de-a doua lansare a sa, urmeaza cu si mai mult potential, cu o incarcatura melodica frumoasa si rezonanta peste un backdrop tehno pozitiv, insa aparitia sa din 2008, Tout Va Bien, este cea care a definit cu adevarat actuala directie muzicala a lui Matthias Meyer. O calatorie lunga, serpuitoare si profunda in spatiul percusiv, plina de detalii raw si complicate si texturi organice, piesa a primit o sustinere uriasa si a adus numele tanarului artist in lumina reflectoarelor.   Pe masura ce lunile de iarna ale lui 2008 se apropiau, iar ecourile de la Tout Va Bien erau in continuare puternice, Matthias a colaborat cu vechiul sau prieten si producator Patlac, si creeaza un alt moment urias in istoria de club, Skipper.  Acesta a fost inclus pe label-ul Spezial al Lieber*Detail alaturi de un alt track, Salt City, la fel de bine primit. Se pare ca cele doua proiecte au insumat cu adevarat dragostea interioara a lui Matthias nu doar pentru groove dar si pentru drama in muzica sa. Piesele sunt pline de sentimente pozitive si inaltatoare, clar gandite ca mesajele si sound-ul lor sa treaca cat mai mai departe.   Matthias a devenit cunoscut datorita stilului sau unic si pasional de a imbina house si techno. Dragostea sa pentru muzica de club energica, bogata, plina de texturi, viata si oameni il promoveaza din ce in ce mai mult. Munca sa ca DJ ii ofera posibilitatea de a aduce aceasta calitate umana si afectuoasa catre un public din ce in ce mai larg.   In viziunea sa, placerea de a mixa muzica house vine din faptul ca, in comparatie cu alte scene, nu trebuie sa puna hituri pop pentru a fi recunoscut. In schimb, poate include o multime de ritmuri care evolueaza, povesti muzicale emotionale care provoaca o relatie diferita si profunda intre DJ si dansator.   Pe masura ce cererea de piese si remixuri originale a crescut, Matthias a ramas ferm. Pentru el ritmul este cel mai important lucru. Nu se grabeste in muzica sa, mai degraba petrece cat timp e necesar pentru a-si perfectiona arta. Pentru acest fapt va ramane un bun rar, un adevarat artist si creator, iar experimentarea lui muzicala nu va ezita sa impresioneze.  [:en]Dj, Producer and Liebe*Detail key artist Matthias Meyer hails from the quiet town of Lueneberg, near Hamburg, Germany. As a young, excited music lover, the hi-tech sounds of Detroit and Chicago spoke to Matthias, and encouraged him to seek the excitement and hustle of nearby Hamburg's diverse club scene. From here he let music take control, actively promoting this newfound scene in his local towns with the Sfunkt DJ collective, organising parties that would bring the electronic message to an otherwise dance-less area. Together with the Sfunkt crew and his close friend and future production partner Patlac, Matthias began to play bigger and better venues, to more and more acclaim. His horizons began to broaden, and his production skills sharpened, seeing the release of his debut track, 'Reichenbach', on Hamburg's much-loved Liebe*Detail label in 2006. A tough and powerful, big-room bomb, Reichenbach summed up the Meyer's broad mixture of influences, from Detroit's technical wizardry to the musicality and experimentation of Germany's fresh faced electronic movement. 'Voltage', his second release was to follow with yet more hit potential, carrying a beautiful, resonating melody across a positively uplifting techno backdrop, but it was his release in the summer of 2008, 'Tout Va Bien,' that really defined Matthias Meyer's current musical direction. A long, meandering, deeply spaced percussive journey, full of intricate detail and raw, organic textures, the track received huge support and quickly brought the young musician's name even more into the light. As the winter months of 2008 approached, and the buzz from 'Tout Va Bien' still worked its magic, Matthias collaborated with long-time friend and producer Patlac, creating another huge club moment entitled 'Skipper'. This was released on Liebe*Detail's 'Spezial' offshoot label, along with the equally moving track 'Salt City', to yet more praise. It seems these two projects really summed up Matthias' inner love not only for serious grooves, but real drama in his music. These are tracks full of uplifting, positive sentiments, painstakingly designed so that their sound and message comes through as clear as possible. Matthias has broken through into spotlight thanks to his uniquely passionate take on the house and techno genres. His love of rich, energetic club music full of texture, life and heart propels him to work more and more. His work as a Dj allows him to bring this very human, endearing quality to an increasingly large audience. In his eyes, the great joy of Djing house music is that, unlike in so many other scenes, he doesnt need to play pop hits to get dancefloor recognition. Instead, he can spin a long tale of rolling grooves and evolving, emotive musical stories that provoke a different, inner relationship between DJ and dancer. As requests for original tracks and remixes flood in, Matthias remains grounded. For him the groove is the most important thing. He doesn't rush his music, rather he spends as much time as is needed perfecting his art. For this reason he will remain a very special commodity, a true artist and true creator, so that when his music is experienced it will never fail to pass you by.[:]