[:ro]Alternosfera a luat nastere in 1998, dar abia in 2005 isi lansau primul album de studio, Orasul 511. Intitulat dupa garajul unde trupa isi avea sala de repetitii, discul s-a bucurat de un succes imens datorat in primul rand piesei Wamintirile, care a cucerit muzica din Republica Moldova si radiourile din Romania.
Doi ani mai tarziu apare Visatori cu plumb in ochi sau ultima scrisoare pentru femeia nordica, care s-a remarcat prin intermediul unor trackuri precum Inchisoare alba, Ne uneste, ne desparte sau Ploile nu vin. Dupa acest disc, Alternosfera incheie perioada lor lirica si iau o pauza de la lansatul materialelor discografice. Vor oferi un singur EP, Flori din Groapa Marianelor, pana in 2012 cand trupa revine cu un concept foarte interesant. Tripticul Epizodia cuprinde 3 albume unite in jurul numarul PI - Virgula, 3 si 14, iar ideea din spate a explicat-o chiar solistul Marcel Bostan, fascinant fiind de acest numar special.
"Aura de misticism este invocata prin numărul PI, un numar irational si totodata cu o rationalitate bine definita, fiind indenspensabil de masurile cercului si sferei: lungime, arie, volum. Am pornit de la denumirea trupei - Alternosfera, imbinare din alternativ si sfera, o sfera alternativa."
Alternosfera a avut un succes imediat la public si s-a remarcat, de-a lungul timpului, prin mesajele transmise prin piesele sale, care acopera de la dragoste, la politica sau social. Cu un stil alternativ ce isi gaseste influentele in Seattle-ul anilor '90, Alternosfera se poate mandri cu faptul ca nu au facut niciodata vreun pas contrar viziunilor lor. Solistul si liderul trupei, Marcel Bostan subliniaza ca: atat studioul cat si concertele isi lasa amprenta pe calitatea muzicii, se cizeleaza interpretarea, revezi concepte si atitudini, semn ca sunt mereu in crestere ca artisti.[:en]Alternosfera were formed in 1998, but only in 2005 it released its first studio album, Orasul 511 (City 511). Named after the garage the band was rehearsing in, the disc was a huge success, mostly due to the single "Wamintirile" and took over the music in the Republic of Moldova and Romanian radios.
Two years later, "Visatori cu plumb in ochi sau ultima scrisoare pentru femeia nordica" (Dreamers with lead in their eyes or the last letter for the Northern Woman) was released and featured future hits like "Inchisoarea alba" (The White Prison), "Ne uneste, ne desparte" (Connects Us, Divides Us) or "Ploile nu vin "(The Rains are Not Coming). After this album, Alternosfera ends its lyrical period and takes a break from releasing any studio material. They will launch just one EP - "Flori din Groapa Marianelor "(Flowers from the Mariana Trench) until 2012 when they return with an interesting concept. The Epizodia triptych features 3 albums united under the concept of PI - Virgula (The Comma), 3 and 14, and the idea behind it was explained by lead singer Marcel Bostan, fascinated by this special number.
"The aura of mysticism is invoked by the constant PI, an irrational number but still featuring a well defined rationality, being indispensable for any measurements for the circle or sphere: length, surface, volume. We started from the band's name - Altersnofera, the union between the alternative and the sphere, an alternative sphere."
Alternosfera had an instant public success and has stood out, over the years, through the messages of its songs, which range from love to politics and social themes. With an alternative style that finds its influences in the 90's Seattle, Alternosfera can pride with the fact that they have never done anything against their visions. Band leader, Marcel Bostan underlines: both the studio and the concerts leave a print on the quality of the music, perfect the interpretation, help revise concepts and attitudes, a clear sign that they are constantly growing as artists.[:]