Burner Greene
[:ro]Benzi de magnetofon, cabine de DJ, casete piratate, primul sound system, festivaluri, o emisiune despre muzica la radioul local, toate fac parte din istoria lui Burner Greene. E un freestyle DJ ce aduce pe ringul de dans muzica de ieri azi si maine intr-un melanj eclectic potrivit momentului. In 2007, alaturi de Kukilla, a fondat Astronaut Kru care de-a lungul timpului s-a transformat in Astronaut Kru Sound System, devenit in timp unul din cele mai solide brand-uri de petreceri underground.[:en]Audio tape recorders, DJ cabins, hacked tapes, the first sound system, festivals, a show on a local radio, all of these are part of Burner Greene’s history. He is a freestyle DJ who brings on the dance floor an eclectic mix of yesterday’s, today’s and tomorrow’s music, a surprising combination perfectly adapted to the moment. In 2007, together with Kukilla, he established Astronaut Kru which, along the time, transformed into Astronaut Kru Sound System, one of the most popular and respected brands of underground parties.[:]