Am stat un pic noi asa pe ganduri, intrebandu-ne ce am putea face pentru a implica fanii mai mult in aceasta miscare culturala pe care am pornit-o cu festivalul nostru. Asa am ajuns la Blaj aLive Super Fan – un mod distractiv, dar si competitiv, de a arata prietenilor ce va place si de a promova in acelasi timp acest lucru.
Ca sa va trezim interesul, atat al vostru cat si al prietenilor vostri, am pregatit urmatorul memento: “Manu Chao, Matisyahu, Sunrise Avenue, Guess Who, DJ ai label-ului Kompakt si frumoase proiecte muzicale locale si internationale la Blaj aLive. Aventura incepe in forta pe 5 iunie cu cinci scene: Freedom Stage si Electronica, deja consacrate la festival, si trei noi dintre cele mai puternice comunitati de sustinere a evenimentelor culturale din Transilvania: Jazz in The Park din Cluj, Astronaut Kru din Deva si AudioFort din Alba-Iulia.
Festivalul de pe Campia Libertatii se va deschide vineri, ora 12:00 si se va incheia duminica dimineata, la ora 05:00. Locatia oficiala pentru after hours va fi Club M din Blaj. Accesul in Camping-ul Blaj aLive va fi permis incepand de joi, 4 iunie, ora 14:00 si va ramane deschis pana duminica la ora 14:00. Biletele sunt disponibile in retelele Orange, Carturesti, Germanos, Diverta, Eventim, MyTicket si pe”
Va asteptam sa va alaturati echipei noastre si impreuna sa dam sfoara in tara!
[:en]We took it upon ourselves to stop for a moment and think hard about things, asking ourselves what could we do to involve the fans even more in this cultural movement that we have started with our festival. And so, that is how Blaj aLive Super Fan came to be – a fun, but competitive way to show your friends what you’re into, and, at the same time, a means to promote it – that is, to shout it to the world!
To awaken not only your interest, but also that of your friends, we have prepared this small reminder:
“Manu Chao, Matisyahu, Sunrise Avenue, Guess Who and Kompakt DJs along with other beautiful local or international musical projects, will start the adventure that is Blaj aLive on June 5, on five stages: the already known Freedom Stage and Electronica and three other, chosen by some of the the most influential cultural communities in Transylvania: Jazz in the Park from Cluj, Astronaut Kru from Deva and AudioFort from Alba-Iulia.
The Liberty Field Festival begins on Friday at 12 p.m. and ends on Sunday morning at 5 a.m. The official after hours location is Club M in Blaj. Access in the camping area begins on Thursday, June 4, at 2 p.m. and will be open until Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets are available in Orange, Carturesti, Germanos, Diverta, Eventim and Myticket networks and online at”