[:ro]Trupa care sintetizeaza energia primei editii a Blaj aLive este Vama, una dintre cele mai apreciate trupe de rock din Romania. Muzica lor este ”ca marea”, spun ei: cateodata calma, cateodata furtunoasa, dar mereu libera si nestapanita. 
Proiectul a fost fondat de Tudor Chirila si Eugen Caminschi, care in 2006, dupa 10 ani alaturi de Vama Veche, au decis sa mearga pe un alt drum impreuna cu Gelu Ionescu, Lucian Cioarga si Dan Opris. Cu o interpretare pasionala si compozitii uneori furioase, alteori melancolice, Vama si-a castigat popularitate in randul unui public caruia ii place sa-si exprime deschis opiniile. Show-urile lor live pline de energie si poezie au inspirat deopotriva rebeli si visatori, castigand admiratia unui mare numar de fani.
Primul album al trupei “Vama”, aparea in 2008, fiind urmat patru ani mai tarziu, de cel de-al doilea material discografic - “2012″ - un disc mai rock si mai optimist decat cel precedent, care a avut parte de o lansare spectaculoasa pe scena Salii Palatului in fata a mii de oameni. Vama vine la Blaj cu cel mai nou single “Perfect fara tine”, devenit deja imnul verii 2013 si ne trezeste pofta de mare si vacanta.    [:en]The band that synthesizes the energy of the Blaj aLive first edition is Vama, one of the most appreciated rock bands in Romania. Their music resembles to the sea, as they say: sometimes calm, sometimes stormy, but always free and wild.
The project was founded by Tudor Chrila and Eugen Caminschi, which in 2006, after 10 years alongside with Vama Veche, have decided to take on another road with Gelu Ionescu, Lucian Cioarga and Dan Opris. With a passionate interpretation and compositions which are sometimes furious, sometimes melancholic, Vama has gained its popularity among a public who likes to freely express its opinions and thoughts. Their live shows, full of energy and poetry, have inspired rebels and dreamers alike, gaining the admiration of a great number of fans.
Vama’s first album was launched in 2008, being followed 4 years later by their second disco graphic material – „2012”- a disc somehow more optimist and rock than the previous one, which enjoyed a spectacular launch on the stage of the Palace Hall in Bucharest, in front of thousands. Vama is coming to Blaj with its newest single, „Perfect without you”, which has already become the hymn of the summer of 2013 and which stirs the appetite within for vacations and the sea.[:]
  • Genre : Rock
  • Show date : 8 iunie 2013
  • Stage : Campia Libertatii