Fane la Platane
[:ro]Fane la Platane, DJ-ul rezident Partipipal, este totodata membru fondator al acestui proiect, fiind implicat in mod direct si in ceea ce priveste organizarea evenimentelor. Proiectul Partipipal a luat nastere in anul 2006 si s-a dezvoltat pana in prezent ca o comunitate de pasionati ai muzicii bune ce se reuneste periodic pentru a participa la evenimente memorabile. Petrecerile Partipipal au crescut de la an la an strangand public in cele mai cunoscute cluburi atat din Bucuresti, cat si din tara. La baza acestora a stat de fiecare data alegerea unei tematici originale ce a lasat fiecare membru al acestei comunitati sa participe activ in cadrul evenimentelor. Urcand la pupitru din 2009, direct din randul audientei, Fane nu a facut altceva decat sa isi urmeze pasiunea pentru muzica si ritm, pasiune pe care incearca incontinuu sa o transmita publicului sau. Astfel, a reusit pas cu pas sa transforme un vis intr-un stil de viata ce l-a plimbat pe scena unor cluburi cu renume precum B52, Goblin, Fire, Inside Bar, Molotov si Colectiv. A pus muzica inainte si dupa concertele unor artisti precum Dub Pistols si Niste Baieti. Si-a castigat publicul prin modul in care alege sa puna muzica, luand permanent pulsul multimii si variind cu usurinta de la un gen la altul. Deviza sa: atmosfera trebuie sa fie incendiara! Printre stilurile muzicale abordate se numara: rock, hip hop, raggae, drum and bass, dub step, toate mixate si menite sa faca publicul sa danseze fara incetare pana in zori.[:en]Fane la Platane, the Partipipal resident DJ and  a founding member of the project, is directly involved in  the event organizing. The Partipipal project was born in 2006 and has since then developing as a community for good music lovers who periodically reunite to take part at memorable events. The Partipipal parties have been growing yearly in some of the most known clubs in Bucharest and Romania. The core of the parties lays in  choosing an original theme which lets every member participate in an active way. Starting his DJ career in 2009, straight from the audience, Fane hasn’t done anything else but follow his passion for music and rhythm, passion which he continuously tries to pass to his public. In this manner he has managed to turn a dream into a lifestyle which has allowed him to play music in known clubs like B52, Goblin, Fire, Inside Bar, Molotov and Colectiv. He has played music before and after the concerts of artists such as Dub Pistols and Niste Baieti. He has gained his audience thanks to the way he chooses to play his music, permanently taking the pulse of the crowd and constantly surfing from one style to another. His motto: the atmosphere has to be flaming! Among the chosen styles for playing, we may count: rock, hip hop, reggae, drum and bass, dub step, all of them mixed and meant to make the public dance until sunrise.[:]