Manu Chao La Ventura pe Campia Libertatii: Me gusta Blaj aLive

[:ro]Manu Chao este headliner-ul zilei de sambata, 6 iunie, pe Freedom Stage la Blaj aLive. Manu Chao completeaza cel mai bun line-up al festivalului de pana acum, alaturi de Matisyahu, Subcarpati, Sunrise Avenue, Unkle Sounds si alti artisti invitati la marea adunare de pe Campia Libertatii din 5 si 6 iunie 2015.

Un luptator cultural, renumit pentru dedicare sociala si cosmopolitism creativ chiar si in cele mai cunoscute cantece, Manu Chao a devenit unul dintre cei mai influenti muzicieni din istoria recenta, cu prestatii live aclamate pe cinci continente. Manu Chao se inspira din cultura de strada si din momentele traite in diverse tari sau de diverse nationalitati. In piese ca Me gustas tu, Welcome to Tijuana, Je ne t’aime plus, Bongo bong, muzica sa multiculturala si multilingvistica este un cocktail de rock, reggae, punk, ska, cu sunete si ritmuri adunate de pe tot globul, cantand in engleza, spaniola, franceza, italiana sau altele, mixandu-le uneori in acelasi cantec.

Manu Chao a fost un binecunoscut membru al scenei pariziene de muzica alternativa, cantand in trupe ca Hot Pants si Los Carayos. Chao si-a lansat primul album solo  “Clandestino” in 1998, cu un succes international rasunator. Al doilea album al sau, “Proxima Estacion: Esperanza”, in colaborare cu Radio Bemba Sound System, a fost lansat in 2001 si a fost de asemenea un mare hit. Au urmat „Siberie m’etait Conteee”, primul album in intregime in limba franceza si “La Radiolina”. In ultimii ani, mai multe sute de mii de oameni din intreaga lume s-au bucurat de Manu Chao La Ventura live intr-un show plin de energie.

Regele Bongo este un artist inspirat, creativ si dedicat, acompaniat de La Ventura, insemnand Madjid la chitara, Philippe Teboul la tobe si Gambeat la bass, asa cum au fost in proiectele precedente Radio Bemba sau Mano Negra. Pregatiti-va sa cantati si sa dansati la Blaj aLive cu Manu Chao La Ventura pe cele mai cunoscute piese ale sale, precum si pe cele mai recente cantece, neinregistrate inca.

Abonamentele pentru Blaj aLive costa 70 lei, iar abonamentele de festival cu acces inclusiv in camping vor costa 120 lei, pana la sfarsitul lunii aprilie. In zilele festivalului, abonamentele vor avea pretul de 90 de lei pentru festival si 140 de lei pentru acces in festival si camping. Biletele sunt disponibile pe si in retelele Eventim si Myticket, inclusiv magazinele Diverta si Germanos.[:en]Manu Chao is confirmed to perform on Freedom Stage at Blaj aLive, Saturday, 6th of June, as the headliner for the second day of the festival. Manu Chao is completing the best line-up of the festival so far, on the same bill with Matisyahu, Subcarpați, Sunrise Avenue, Unkle Sounds and many other beautiful acts, uniting the people on the Liberty Field.

Renowned for his social commitment, his creative cosmopolitanism and his militancy on popular songs, Manu Chao is one of the most influential musicians in recent history, with an acclaimed live performance on five continents. Manu Chao finds inspiration in street culture and local scenes from different countries and nationalities. Me gustas tu, Welcome to Tijuana, Je ne t’aime plus, Bongo bong, his multicultural and multilingual music is a cocktail of rock, reggae, punk, ska, found sounds and rhythms from around the planet, singing in English, Spanish, French, Italian and few other languages, sometimes mixing them in the same song.

Manu Chao had been a well-known member of the Parisian alternative music scene, in bands such as Hot Pants and Los Carayos. Chao released his first solo album “Clandestino” in 1998, and the album became an international resounding success. His second album, in collaboration with Radio Bemba Sound System, “Próxima Estación: Esperanza”, was released in 2001, and it was again an instant hit. Then came „Sibérie m’était Contéee”, the first French-language-only album, and “La Radiolina”. In recent years, several hundred of thousands of people around the world enjoyed Manu Chao La Ventura’s energetic live performance.

The King of the Bongo is an inspiring artist, creative and committed, accompanied by La Ventura, meaning Madjid on guitar, Philippe Teboul on drums and Gambeat on bass, as on previous projects such as Radio Bemba or Mano Negra. Prepare to sing and dance at Blaj aLive with Manu Chao La Ventura performing most legendary, well known songs, as well as new ones, never recorded.

Festival passes cost 70 lei (16 euros) for festival entrance and 120 lei (27 euros) for festival & camping access, until the end of April. During festival time, the full festival pass will cost 90 lei (20 euros) and 140 lei (32 euros) for festival & camping access. Tickets are available on, as e-tickets or cash on delivery, and in Eventim and Myticket networks, including Diverta and Germanos shops.[:]

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