[:ro]Vita de vie s-a format in 1996 si a fost trupa care a reusit sa aduca muzica rock si alternative in zona de mainstream. Primul lor album a fost Rahova, insa abia cu discul din 1998, Fenomental Vita de vie da lovitura pe piata muzicala romaneasca. Piesa Basul si cu toba mare devine un succes instant care se adreseaza nu numai publicului comercial, ce a gustat versurile rapid, ci si  celor care preferau rockul. Mai tarziu in cursul anului revin si cu un clip si o piesa parodie la adresa muzicii care se difuza la acel moment in Romania- Vinolamine. In 2001 apare Exxtra, un material ce cuprinde alte piese devenite clasice in repertoriul VdV - Sunetul mai tare, Liber, Beat Mort, un featuring cu Parazitii sau Zboara, o colaborare cu grupul electro Suie Paparude. Discul a avut puternice influente din muzica rap, dar chiar si asa a primit premiul pentru cel mai bun album alternativ. Un an mai tarziu apare discul Doi cu piese ca Visare, Varza sau Totata  devenite, la fel, emblematice pentru discografia trupei. Dupa o pauza de cativa ani, in care a aparut un best of si discul Egon, Vita de vie intra din nou in studio si lanseaza albumul Fetish, iar in 2013 vin cu ideea de a pune pe suport un concept la care lucrasera de ceva vreme. Toate piesele lor de succes si favorite ale publicului primesc tratamentul acustic si sunt incluse pe albumul cu acelasi nume, iar trupa se imbarca intr-un turneu care sa promoveze aceasta noua idee. De-a lungul timpului Vita de vie s-a dovedit a fi o trupa ce nu a facut compromisuri muzicale, iar prin intermediul solistului Adi Despot, au comunicat mereu mesaje ferme despre muzica, industrie muzicala sau valori locale. In plus, au fost implicati si in campanii sociale si umanitare, pentru ca in final sa isi deschida si propria casa de discuri.  [:en]Vita de vie was formed in 1996 and it was the band that succeed in bringing rock and alternative music in the mainstream. Their first album was titled Rahova, but only with their second album in 1998, Fenomental, Vita de vie takes over the Romanian music market. The song Basul si cu toba mare turns into an instant hit which catches the attention of both the commercial audience but also rock fans. Later that year they return with a song and a video that parodies the music promoted in Romania at that time - Vinolamine. In 2001 Exxtra is released, a disc that contains other classic songs from the VdV repertoire - Sunetul mai tare, Liver, Beat Mort, a featuring with Parazii, or Zboara, a collaboration with electro group Suie Paparude. The disc featured heavy influences from the rap music, yet it received the award for the best alternative album. A year later the album Doi is launched with tracks like Visare, Varza or Totata that will become emblematic for the band's discography. After a few years' break, in which only a best of album and the Egon disc were released, Vita de vie returns in the studio and launches Fetish, while in 2013 they will record a concept that they have been working on for some time. All their successful songs and fans' favourites receive the acoustic treatment and are included on the eponymous album, and the band starts a tour promoting this new idea. Over the years, Vita de vie was a band that did not make any musical compromises, and through their lead singer, Adi Despot, stated ferm opinions about music, music industry and local values. Moreover, they were part of various social and humanitarian campaigns and have finally opened their own label.[:]
  • Genre : rock alternativ
  • Show date : 7 Iunie 2014
  • Stage : Campia Libertatii
  • Project's Link : http://vitadevie.ro/