[:ro]Grimus au luat nastere in 2005, luandu-si numele dupa primul volum publicat de cunoscutul scriitor Salman Rushdie. Primele lor concerte le aduc si primii fani iar dupa un spectacol in care au cantat in deschiderea celor de la Kumm, bifeaza si o aparitie la festivalul Stufstock. Piese ca Solitude sau In a Glimpse atrag rapid atentia radioului, care incepe sa ii difuzeze, iar treptat incep sa apara mai multe concerte in tara si deschid inclusiv concertul solistei engleza Sophie Ellis Bextor de la Bucuresti. Tot in 2007 trupa ajunge la Londra, la finala Global Battle of the Bands, unde primeste si premiul pentru The Best Romanian Band a acelui an. 2008 reprezinta momentul lansarii albumului de debut Grimus, considerat de unii materialul anului si va contine singleuri ca Backseat Driver sau Confused. Trupa creste incet si sigur si atrage inclusiv atentia unui producator britanic, care ii va ajuta la cel de-al doilea album de studio. Egretta contine hitul Started, piesa folosita pe coloana sonora a unui fabricant de bere, iar materialul beneficiaza de o productie realizata la Londra si alte single-uri de succes ca In Your Eyes, Vanity sau Nature Falls. In 2012, dupa o multime de concerte in Romania, Grimus bifeaza patru festivaluri internationale importate, printre care si Sziget Festival din Ungaria, dar deschid si concertul legendarilor Red Hot Chilli Peppers la Bucuresti, dupa ce au bifat aparitii pe aceeasi scena cu Roxette, Hurts sau Garbage. Anul 2013 inseamna participarea la Eurosonic din Olanda si apoi la Arezzo Wave din Italia, iar piesa In Your Eyes va ajunge inclusa pe coloana sonora Love Building. Recent, trupa si-a lansat cel de-al treilea material de studio, Emergence si s-a bucurat si de un concert in tara scriitorului care le-a dat numele, India.[:en]Grimus was formed in 2005, taking its name from he first novel published by the renowned author Salman Rushdie. Their first concerts also bring their first fans and after a show opening for the band Kumm, they check a gig at the Stufstock Festival. Songs like Solitude and In a Glimpse attract radio air play and they soon start playing in concerts all over the country, even opening for Sophie Ellis Bextor in Bucharest. Also in 2007, the band reaches the international final of Global Battle of the Bands in London, where they also receive The Best Romanian Band award. 2008 is the year of Grimus's debut album launch, considered by many the album of the year, which features singles like Backseat Driver and Confused. The band grows slowly but surely and actually attracts the attention of a British producer who will help them with their second studio album. Egretta includes the hit Started, a song used on a commercial for a beer brand, while the disc features a production made in London and also different successful singles like In Your Eyes, Vanity or Nature Falls. In 2012, after a series of concerts all around Romania, Grimus checks four important international festivals, including Sziget Festival in Hungary, whilst also opening for the legendary Red Hot Chilli Peppers in Bucharest, after they had already played with important names like Roxette, Hurts or Garbage. The year 2013 translates into taking part at the Eurosonic Festival in The Netherlands and then at Arezzo Wave in Italy, while their song In Your Eyes is included on the Love Building movie soundtrack. Recently, the band has released their third studio album, Emergence, and have also played in the country of Salman Rushdie - India.[:]
  • Genre : pop- rock, alternativ
  • Show date : 7 Iunie 2014
  • Stage : Campia Libertatii
  • Project's Link : http://grimus.ro