[:ro]Sore, Alina Eremia si Dorian Popa, 3 dintre cei mai fascinanti membrii ai ansamblului dance-pop-rock Lala Band, vor urca pe scena Blaj aLive prezentand proiectele lor solo alaturi de dansatori. Trupa-vedeta Lala Band, lansata in 2010 in serialul de televiziune „Pariu cu viata”, a fermecat tinerii si adolescentii din toata tara.
Cuplul care a adus o audienta incredibila serialului difuzat la ProTV - Alina Eremia (”Ioana”) & Dorian Popa (”Andrei”)- va urca pe scena festivalului Blaj aLive alaturi de echipa sa de dansatori, show-ul culminand cu aparitia celei mai iubite membre a trupei Lala Band: Sore Mihalache.
[:en]Sore, Alina Eremia and Dorian Popa, three of the most fascinating members of the pop-rock ensemble Lala Band, will be performing on the Blaj aLive stage and presenting their solo projects with their dancers. The star-band Lala Band, launched in 2010 within the TV show „A bet with life”, has charmed the teenagers and young people from all over the country.
The couple that has brought an incredible audience to the Protv TV show – Alina Eremia („Ioana”) & Dorian Popa („Andrei”) – will come on the stage of the Blaj aLive festival with the team of professional dancers; the show will be ending with the appearance of the most loved member of Lala Band: Sore Mihalache.
  • Genre : pop-rock, dance
  • Show date : 8 iunie
  • Stage : Campia Libertatii