[:ro]Robin and the Backstabbers au luat nastere in 2010 la initiativa solistului Andrei Proca, iar la scurt timp de la infiintare au atras atentia postului de radio Guerrilla. Prima piesa a fost Vanatoarea regala, cu un titlu inspirat din romanul cu acelasi nume semnat de D.R. Popescu, iar  la putin timp a cucerit undele radiourilor si a inceput sa stranga fani in jurul proiectului. Odata cu cresterea popularitatii lor, Robin and the Backstabbers incep sa sustina concerte in tara si sa urce pe scena mai multor festivale, printre care Padina Fest, Fanfest sau Stufstock, unde castigasera premiul la categoria Newcomers. Ideea pe care Andrei "Robin" Proca o avusese de a face coveruri dupa albumul Graceland semnat de Paul Simon se materializeaza in ceva complet diferit, asa ca in 2012 apare primul lor album. Bacovia Overdrive vol. 1: Stalingrad este primul dintr-o trilogie care va contine, in viitor si volumele Arhanghel'sk si Vladivostok, iar descrierea discului contine, in cuvintele trupei, "ceva intunecat si greu de urnit",cu accent pe overdrive, adica a ducele lucrurile peste limita. Robin and the Backstabbers au prins rapid la publicul romanesc, insa trupa e departe de muzica comerciala, gasindu-si locul fara a se disocia de aceasta zona. Florentin Vasile, chitaristul trupei, spune chiar ca cele doua pozitii- quality si comercial impart acelasi drum: oricine face muzica si spune ca nu vrea să fie comercial fie minte, fie e masochist. Asa ca drumul spre succes al unei trupe „quality” nu ar trebui, in opinia mea, sa fie foarte diferit de drumul spre succes al unei trupe care are exclusiv scopuri comerciale si care nu se opreste prea mult asupra valorii artistice a produsului final.[:en]Robin and the Backstabbers were formed in 2010, an initiative of lead singer Andrei Proca, and shortly after their formation they attracted the attention of Radio Guerrilla. Their first song was Vanatoarea Regala (Royal Hunt), a title inspired by the eponymous novel written by D.R. Popescu, and  no sooner did they conquer the radio waves and gained a fan base.  As their popularity grew, Robin and the Backstabbers started playing live gigs and hitting the stage at various festivals, including Padina Fest, Fanfest, Stufstock, where they also won the Newcomers award. The idea that Andrei "Robin" Proca had, of playing covers of the album Graceland by Paul Simon, had transformed in something completely different, so in 2012 the first album gets released.  Bacovia Overdrive vol. 1: Stalingrad is the first volume of a trilogy that will also feature, in the future, Arhanghel'sk and Vladivostok, while  the album's description includes, in the band's own words "something dark and hard to shift", with an accent on the overdrive, meaning taking things over the limit. Robin and the Bacsktabbers have gained popularity,but are far from the mainstream and commercial music, yet finding their place without dissociating that genre. Florentin Vasile, band guitarist even believes the two ideas - commercial and quality - share the same road: anyone who says they are making music and don't want to be commercial is either lying or being a masochist. Therefore, in my opinion, the path to success of a quality band should not be different from the path taken by a band whose sole purpose is commercial and doesn't stop too much to think about the artist value of the final product.[:]